Harmonic Group Client Complaints


If you as a client of Harmonic have a complaint about any aspect of the services provided by a Harmonic Affiliate (“Harmonic”) please send your complaint by email to the following email address:

  • If your complaint relates to any Harmonic Affiliate except Harmonic Luxembourg: complaints@harmonic.ky
  • If your complaint relates to Harmonic Luxembourg: complaints@harmonic.lu

The complaint will then be processed in accordance with Harmonic’s written Complaints Procedure which sets out procedures for receiving, handling, investigating, recording and resolving complaints.

Harmonic’s Complaints Procedure is based on the premise that:

  1.     A client has a right to complain and have a complaint handled;
  2.     Complaints provide feedback about service experience; and
  3.     A complaint received gives Harmonic the opportunity to maintain confidence in Harmonic’s services.

Harmonic is committed to handling a complaint in a manner which is transparent, efficient, thorough, impartial, fair, timely, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Upon receipt of a complaint, Harmonic shall confirm to you in writing that the complaint has been received and is being investigated.

Harmonic shall take reasonable steps to keep you informed about the progress of your complaint, including details of any actions being taken to resolve your complaint.

Harmonic shall confirm to you in writing when a complaint has been closed. If Harmonic concludes that it is not upholding a complaint, it shall communicate this to you in writing, clearly stating the reason(s) for
its decision.

LAST REVISED: 8 May 2019